Friday, September 18, 2009

i wanna make a no free food rule at work

the people at the new place love to bring in food - brownies, cakes, hot chocolate - you name it, they love it.  well, that's not entirely true.  name anything that's bad in points, and they'll be bringing it in.  i think at first they thought i was being rude - so when i was asked for about the 3rd time "aimee, you really don't want anything?" i finally told them all i was doing weight watchers.  not that i was hiding it...just hadn't come up in conversation, and no one really noticed, as most of us pack our lunch.

well, yesterday the managers ordered us all pizza - as a surprise - and then this morning, one of the admin people brought in like 4 dozen doughnuts.  and i'm not talking the cheap grocery store bakery glazed stuff - this is the good stuff....fillings, icings, sprinkles - all of it.  but i sat here with my oatmeal and 24 oz of water and passed on the sugary goodness.  for the record, sweets are my favorite breakfast food.  and what did i do yesterday for lunch?  ate my homemade chicken noodle soup (use the homemade term loosely here - it was canned broth, chicken, and egg noodles, okay?) and diet coke and ignored the cheesey stuff that was in my face.

okay, enough food talk.  as you can see, i'm doing well at sticking to the plan this week.  like most of you guys, i was loving biggest loser this week - and a few times was all teary-eyed.  that show pulls at the heart strings...

i love having all of my tv shows back on!  and, get this - comcast had an appt to fix my dvr last night and 1) they showed up on time, 2) it was at the beginning of the time slot, and 3) they actually fixed the problem.  there's hope for them yet.

having an easy weekend at home in MD this weekend...will be making the trek to WV next weekend.  been awhile since i've seen everyone, so it should be good fun.

TGIF?  yes!


  1. Wow - you have an iron will. It is SO frustrating when people bring food like that around, and then don't let it go when you refuse!

    Good for you!

  2. I think its GREAT that you told your co-workers that you are doing WW. I'm not shy about yelling it out where ever I go, especially if it helps me get a lil more support! :)

    Oh at the office I worked at we had a patient who owned a chinese restaurant- she used to bring in egg rolls. I ate over a dozen of then each time she came in (every 3-6weeks) My co-workers had NO idea how many I stuffed in my face....they always thought everyone ate them, not just ME! lol

    GOOD JOB ON EATING YOUR B& L at work, even when faced with temptations!! :) HIGH 5!!!!

  3. you arent just doing well you are doing awesome. well done on the refusing, you kicked the delicious foods ass!

  4. I'm proud of you!

    I loved bl too. The lady in green..uugghhh made me so sad!

    And your post totally made me hungry. Thank goodness it's lunch time

  5. thanks for the support, people! :)

  6. It's annoying enough that people bring food around at work, but the worst is when they make you feel guilty for not taking part. I used to work at an office that would bring in ice cream treats every Friday during the summer. When I turned them down I was often met with skepticism and disappointment. It seemed to really affect my relationships with a couple of people. I mean, it's a dilly bar, for pete's sake. We definitely have assigned some non-sustenance associations to food. In my case, it was seen as being part of a team. So weird.
