Friday, March 27, 2009

did you say moe's?

i love moe's southwest grill. i didn't know i did, but i do. ang and i tried it for the 1st time yesterday. it was 16 points of goodness. :)

i ran on the treadmill last night. by running, i mean i ran at a 5.0 mph pace for 1 minute. but i ran. first time since i can remember. i walked at a super brisk pace for the rest of the workout. needed a break from the elliptical, so the treadmill was welcoming.

the weekend's going to be a busy one. jill and i are going to check out more wedding dresses this evening - which could be interesting with the madi girl - but before that, i'm going to go to weigh-in one day early. i usually weigh-in saturday mornings, with no food in me, so friday evening weigh-ins scare me, but i figure it'll all even out in the end. i'm leaving early in the morning to make the drive to IL to see daniel. i'm so excited to see him. this is the longest we've gone without seeing each other. crazy.

3 more hours and i'm outta richmond. weigh-in results to come!


  1. we gotta try that moes sw grill out! theres one in carbondale!

  2. Loved moe's too! Can't wait to eat it again next week haha.

    Have fun this weekend with YBD :-)

  3. Eeeep. Changing weigh in days scare me. And drive me crazy. Kudos to you!

  4. Congrats on the running! It all starts with the first minute. I remember was back in December. Feels good. Hope you have a great weekend with Daniel, and hopefully the drive will go by quickly.
